Meet your coach:

Hey there!

I’m Ashleigh, coach and founder of A-Hub Nutrition since 2015.

In my 10+ years in the fitness industry, I’ve seen a lot of things done the wrong way. My mission at A-Hub Nutrition is to help people reach their goals without having to crash diet, restrict their favorite foods, and give up the balance in their lives.

At A-Hub Nutrition, we take an evidence based approach when it comes to nutrition protocols, training programs, and our weekly check ins. Not only do we help clients reach their goals in a sustainable way, we educate along the way.

With the education piece, the client is left with way more knowledge, confidence, and the ability to forward on their own some day. That’s right, the goal isn’t to keep you forever!

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach

  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

  • NCI-L1 Nutrition Coach

  • PN-1 Nutrition Coach

  • L1 Health Mindset Coach

I work with individuals in all walks of life. Whether you’re just now getting into fitness or if you compete at a national or even Olympic level. I’ve worked with everyone in between. I have the experience of competing in several different sports at a National level, so I have a strong ability to help competitors with their nutrition.


2014 CF VA Commonwealth Games - 1st place
2014 Out of Step Barbell Open - 69kg 1st place
2015 USAW Jr. Nationals - 69kg 9th place
2015 RVA Open - 63kg Junior 1st place
2015 USAPL NoVa Open - 63kg Jr. 1st place
2015 USAPL Raw Nationals - 63kg Junior 3rd place (128kg T-3 American Squat Record)
2015 Out of Step Barbell Open - 63kg 1st place
2016 USAW Jr. Nationals - 58kg 9th place
2016 Arnold Classic WL Championship - 63kg Junior 1st place
2017 CF Open - 124th Mid-Atlantic Region


Ready to work with me?